Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Random Acts of Kindness

Well hello there friends!
It has been some time since we have posted to our blog, life happens = )

We are going to start off with kindness on our first post back!
Last year we participated in the International Random Acts of Kindness Week.  This year, in February 2014 we missed the actual week to participate in. So, we thought spring break was a great time to catch up with the spirit of giving and kindness. It is never too late to be kind to one another and spread joy.

"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." -Aesop

I started the conversation about giving with my 4 year old, Cash.  Quick and to the point, "It is important to always be kind to everyone, all the time.  We can't expect anything in return.  We do our best to be the best, always."  And do you know what my little man responded with?  "Yes, mommy.  I like to be friendly."  I could gush about how Cash really did understand what adventure we were embarking on for the day, but that would not mean anything to you.  I encourage you to share the spirit of giving and kindness to your four year old (or any age), the feelings that this project conjured in me today are indescribable.  Watching my son do good and feel good for it are my proudest mommy moments.

I addressed my daughter, Casey who is now 2...
This conversation is beyond her 2 years, but I figured that I am planting the seeds that I will water in the years to come.  I knew that this task was monumental for my little princess, but I do believe that it will be a priceless gift to her - at some point in the future.  When I was done speaking she said, "Okay, mommy." From that point forward she just started picking out her favorite items and putting them in our basket, just as her brother was doing.

Cash and Casey both picked 5 items to give away during this week.

I saw this next quote floating around Pinterest and Facebook a while back and it stuck with me, I can't help but feel that it ties in with what we are doing today.

"Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about, be kind, always."

So, off we went to our favorite shopping spot - Target!

Here we are picking out goodies.

After we were done at Target we headed straight to our favorite park.  All the goodies were dumped on the blanket and we started putting things in bags.

Then we attached our tags to the toy presents. "#RAOK Kindness is contagious. I picked this toy for you to enjoy. Cash - age 4." The back of the tags say "Random Acts of Kindness."

Here is my sweet girl trying to open the baggie.

We only got to wrap two gifts before meltdowns started (we were close to nap time.)  Two was enough to start the adventure...  Here they are ready to spread joy!

Picking the recipients...

And go!!!

Casey ended up leaving her slinky package on a swing, after some persuasion : )

Cash hand delivered his toy to an unsuspecting boy at the park.  I would have loved to hear the exchange my son had with the little boy but I stayed far from Cash while he delivered his toy.  I wanted to encourage his choice and freedom of spreading kindness.  

It went well, so well.  

Today was a great day, I can't wait to do it again tomorrow.

Thank you for stopping by!

Meghan and Jessica

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

wood pallet to beach flag

So excited to share a new project! Our beach flag turned out so cute, well at least we think so : )
We came across a few free wood pallets, and well, we just could not pass them up!

I pulled the pallets apart - super awesome work out.  

Then I positioned them into the rectangular shape.  

Screwed the pieces together.
I grabbed my fabulous wood filler...
And then plugged the holes, followed by a quick sanding. 
  I wanted the finish to be rough so I did not put to much effort in to the sanding.
Just a quick photo of the underside, I screwed the horizontal pieces to two vertical pieces on the back. 
Then I taped off the flag...

Finished painting...

Peeled the painters tape...

Placed the sea stars...

And then hot glued those puppies on.  


Thank you for stopping by.
Meghan and Jessica

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

We are gearing up for Halloween here at Gracie J. and through all the madness I have been reflecting on last years costumes and thinking of what to do this year.  I am totally in love with our new witch costume and I can't wait to post pics of it!!!!!
Here are a couple of pictures from last year!  LOL, my precious spaghetti and meatballs : ) YUM!

And after an hour of trick or treating....

So, for now... what are you all doing for your "littles" for Halloween TWENTY THIRTEEN?!  Any ideas or inspirations? 
Thanks for stopping by!
 Meghan and Jessica

Friday, June 14, 2013

A Small Tribute - 5 generations

A small tribute and a reason to share one of the most beautiful photos I own.

I lived 30 years of my life with a great grandmother, Emma Isabel.  Three and a half years ago, Emma became a great great grandma to my son and year and a half ago, a great great grandma to my daughter.  My daughter, Casey, lived the first 15 months of her life as the fifth generation of "women" in my family.  Emma passed away after a long (nearly 100 years), beautiful life a couple of months ago.  I was smart enough to capture a sweet moment before her health began to deteriorate.
Casey, Jessica, Kathleen, Virginia, and Emma

Treasure your special family moments and for goodness sake, please take photos!

Thank you for stopping by!

Meghan and Jessica

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Stars and Stripes Shimmer Tutu

Here it is!!!!

We are so excited to finally post pictures of our 4th of July Tutu.  It is now available on our Etsy shop!!!
We will be posting more tutus very soon, as well as our patriotic scrap fabric skirt!!! Check out our site!!!!
Thank you for stopping by!
Meghan and Jessica

Friday, May 31, 2013

Graduation Keepsakes....

So, a while ago I saw that there was a great gift idea to give to your own children that graduate from high school or college.  Someone kept the book, Oh, the Places You'll Go by Dr. Suess, during their children's lives for teachers to sign.  The teachers were asked to write a little note in the book at the end of each school year to the children.  I thought this was such a great and thoughtful idea.  My son recently started a pre preschool and I wanted to start this tradition with his first "teacher."  I went to Barnes and Noble and was so excited to find this...
It is a Graduation Keepsake edition.  There is room in the back of the book for just the thing I was looking for!  Spaces for teachers and friends to write and a keepsake envelope.  Oh, it is so so cool.

I was so so happy with my finding that I purchased two books.  I wanted to make sure that I had one for each of my babies : ) I can't wait to start getting the book filled out.  It seems so far from now, but I am sure that when the time comes to give each kiddo their book it will seem like a blink of an eye of time from now.  

Thanks for stopping by.

Meghan and Jessica

Monday, May 6, 2013

Water Painting

It is raining in Santa Clarita today. First, I needed to think of something for the kiddos to do (3 1/2 and 17 months) that would keep them occupied for a while. I had an idea to make all the moms, grandmas and great grandmas Mother's Day cards. So I put the 3 1/2 year old to work ;). He started off by painting a large piece of paper with pink, red, purple and white paint. Then my 17 month old wanted to join in, and I did let her for a bit. Well, most of you know that handling two toddlers with paint is not so easy. So, I came up with water painting for the little and, voila!!! Busy for a half of an hour, that is what a call success!

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